The United States warned of sanctions for supporting the “World” cards outside of Russia

The US has warned of sanctions for supporting maps of the

The US Treasury said that restrictive measures will affect Turkish banks.

The US Treasury Department announced the possible imposition of sanctions on organizations for servicing cards “World” outside of Russia.

The agency’s website reports that the Office for Control of Foreign Assets under the regulation on sanctions for malicious foreign activities can block those who financially help persons whose property and related interests are blocked.

Violations include misleading or structured transactions and any transactions that circumvent US sanctions. And the Ministry of Finance is ready to use such powers in case of support for circumvention of anti-Russian sanctions.

We are talking about the maintenance of the Russian national payment system “Mir” outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, the Financial Times reported that the EU and the US are trying to punish Ankara banks that serve the cards of the World.

As a result, a number of hotels refused to accept Russian cards, but the NSPK called this information unreliable.

It is known that Russians with “World” cards in Turkey are served by Turkiye Is Bankasi, Ziraat Bankasi, VakifBank, DenizBank and Halkbank. Whether they will continue to support the Russian payment system after the US threats, they can make such a decision on their own.

According to Interfax, Mir currently operates in 11 countries, including Turkey, Vietnam, South Korea, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

In the future, the card may be serviced in Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Thailand and Venezuela.

Earlier, Topnews wrote that the US Treasury has imposed a ban on the import of gold from Russia.

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