Tamara Globa and Ziraddin Rzayev called the time when the dollar will stabilize and the crisis will end

Tamara Globa and Ziraddin Rzayev called the time when the dollar will stabilize and the crisis will end

Astrologers explained what awaits the country in the next 2-3 years.

Russian astrologers Ziraddin Rzaev and Tamara Globa said that the economic crisis will not last long.

According to their version, the stars say that the date when a new economic recovery will begin in Russia has already been determined.

So, according to the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ziraddin Rzayev, waiting for everything to come back to normal will take two, at least three years.

The crisis, the astrologer predicts, will cover the whole world, not just Russia. However, the stability of the dollar will happen earlier – he took three months for this.

Since June, a gradual rise will already begin, and those Russians who are engaged in domestic production can count on success.

“The advice is to strive to develop production as much as possible,” the astrologer explained.

It is better to take a vacation after June, and Turkey, Egypt, the UAE and other open countries will be a suitable place for it.

Astrologer Tamara Globa agrees with her colleague, whom Russians see in the show “Let’s get married!”.

According to her, the global economic crisis will last two and a half years.

The current March will be the time of agreements and peace negotiations, and in April it will be possible to wait for a response.

In May, the time will come for new conflicts that will subside only by the summer, when the forces will take a pause.

Another astrologer, Vasilisa Volodina, as reported by “StarHit”, a year ago voiced the opinion that Russia would enter a phase of crisis.

She considered 2022 to be economically connected with 2021, and both periods will demonstrate the consequences of what happened earlier. She also believes that Russia has its own economic phases, which, according to the stars, replace one another.

“The peak of our well-being under the existing formation was reached in 2007, from that moment until 2025, everything is sliding down,” Volodina said.

As Topnews wrote earlier, astrologers previously named the most unlucky zodiac sign in 2022.

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