Political scientist: Putin predicted a gas crisis in Europe 11 years ago

Political scientist: Putin predicted a gas crisis in Europe 11 years ago

According to the Russian leader in 2010, countries will have to go to Siberia for firewood.

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared 11 years ago that Europe is threatened by a gas crisis, because EU countries refuse to conclude long-term contracts with Russia.

As political analyst Nikita Danyuk reminded the media in the Youtube show “Let me Say”, Vladimir Putin, who was then prime minister of the country, announced such a prospect at an economic forum in Berlin.

He pointed out that the crisis could threaten Europe due to the unwillingness to develop nuclear energy and pointed out that Germany is conducting an inefficient energy policy.

Then Putin expressed bewilderment at what the German authorities were going to do to drown the country.

“You don’t want gas, you don’t develop nuclear energy… And what are you going to do with firewood?” he said.

The prime minister added that Germany would otherwise have to go to Siberia for them, causing loud laughter from those present.

Danyuk stressed that the president, who perfectly understands the situation in the world, is a “brilliant strategist”, who more than 10 years ago turned out to be able to predict the energy crisis to which Europe is condemning itself.

According to the political scientist, Putin already understood the danger posed by spot fuel prices, and pointed to the prospects of long-term contracts, relying on common sense, and not selfish intent.

As Topnews wrote earlier, Poland’s lawsuit against Gazprom led to a sharp jump in prices for natural gas in Europe.

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