Mass media: Russia and the EU have agreed on the transit of goods to Kaliningrad

Mass media: Russia and the EU have agreed on the transit of goods to Kaliningrad

Details of the agreement between the parties became known.

The EU and the Russian Federation have agreed on the transit of goods to Kaliningrad.

Official representatives of Brussels handed over a document that fully satisfied Moscow.

In particular, it says that it is impossible to restrict the movement of cargo flows between parts of the Russian Federation.

Izvestia writes about this, referring to Russian sources in high circles.

According to the interlocutors of journalists, Brussels submitted in early July a draft of documents for the permission of transit to the Kaliningrad region.

The EU noted the inadmissibility of restricting the movement of goods between Russian entities.

The approval of the final version of the documents between Brussels and Vilnius lasted several weeks.

At the moment, the issue is under consideration by Lithuania.

Another high-ranking interlocutor said that Kaliningrad as an exception will be spelled out in the seventh package of anti-Russian sanctions.

At the same time, so far the EU and Lithuania have not shown readiness to lift sanctions on the movement of goods to Kaliningrad.

According to Sergey Ryabokon, Charge d’affaires of Russia in Lithuania, the EU does not want to solve the problem of transit to the Kaliningrad region, otherwise the problem would have already been solved.

Earlier, topNews wrote that the head of the Kaliningrad region threatened Lithuania with retaliatory measures.

Anton Alikhanov called what will be done to put pressure on the country.

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