Experts: The European Union groundlessly demands 290 billion euros from Russia, accusing Moscow of import substitution

Experts: The European Union groundlessly demands 290 billion euros from Russia, accusing Moscow of import substitution

Economist Leonid Khazanov reminded opponents of WTO rules.

Russian experts reject the accusations previously made by the European Union. The latter appealed to the WTO with a claim for 290 billion euros, accusing Moscow of “discrimination” against European goods.

The method of such “violence ” was called import substitution for the same amount.

In response, a number of Russian economists remind that the Russian program to replace imports with domestic products does not contradict the rules of world trade.

As an independent expert Leonid Khazanov explained in an interview with Izvestia, the approach used by domestic economists is almost equal to what is practiced in the USA, China and the EU itself.

He explained that all these countries are trying to increase the share of national products in the overall structure of industry.

This is done through a variety of methods.

“Starting from the introduction of trade barriers and ending with the organization of procurement for strategic industries by forming their conditions for their manufacturers,” the expert said.

Khazanov believes that the norms adopted by the World Trade Organization do not prohibit its members, including the Russian Federation, from helping automakers to assemble locally in the regions, changing this condition to tax preferences.

Thus, it is impossible to blame Russia for imposing and forcibly localizing production.

The publication also recalled the words of the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova, who called import substitution a response to Western sanctions.

Earlier, Topnews wrote that, according to a number of media outlets, Russia has failed the food import substitution program.

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